

For articles on specific films go to the Filmography section


> Writings about Rick Hancox

TIME, MEMORY and PERSONAL CINEMA with experimental-documentary filmmaker
and Concordia professor Rick Hancox

IFCO Workshop - April 1st, 2006

Filmmaker Richard Hancox: A Kind of Connectedness, by Jeff Round, Arts Atlantic, winter 1993

Imagining the Past and Place: Memory and Landscape in the films of Richard Hancox
by Lianne McLarty
Originally published in a catalogue: Richard Hancox (Toronto: Art Gallery of Ontario, 1990)

Richard Hancox: Archaelogist of the Canadian Unmodern by Michael Dorland
Originally published in a catalogue: Richard Hancox (Toronto: Art Gallery of Ontario, 1990)

Preface and Acknowlegments by Catherine Jonasson
Originally published in a catalogue: Richard Hancox (Toronto: Art Gallery of Ontario, 1990)

Letter from Stan Brakhage
June 9, 1988

Rick Hancox: Experimental Filmmaker, by Kathy Yanchus
The Oakville Beaver, Friday, January 20, 1984.

Rick Hancox: The Funnel, by Dot Tuer,
Vanguard, February 24, 1984.

Independent Filmmaking in Ontario by Ian Birnie
Originally published in Cinema Canada Summer 1977, p. 47

Jim Murphy Letter,
Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre
May 7, 1973

The Artist as a Film Maker, by Philip Rodgers,
City Lite, Friday, December 31, 1971.


Light Passages to New Perspectives, by Gary Popovich


> Writings by Rick Hancox

Geography and Myth in Paul Tomkowicz:Coordinates of National Identity, Candid Eyes Essays on Canadian Documentaries, edited by Jim Leach & Jeannette Sloniowski, University ogf Tornto Press, 2003.

MARY ANN DOANE. The Emergence of Cinematic Time: Modernity, Contingency, the Archive. Cambridge, MA and London: Harvard University Press, 2002. 288 pp.

Proposal: The Use of Colour vs Black and White Film in Suspending Temporal Uncertainty in - Historical Documentaries,
11th Conference International Society for the Study of Time Concordia University, Montreal, July 1-7, 2001.

Placing Space in NFB Documentary, Point of View, No. 37, Spring 99, page 11

Some Notes on Film and Time, Concordia University, Montreal March 22, 1995.

Harold Innis Centenary Celebration, A Program of Canadian Short Films in Response to Innisian Plea for Time, Concordia University, October 15, 1994.

Rick Hancox speaking at the Art Gallery of Ontario
November 2, 1990 on the “Sheridan Night” opening of his retrospective

Newsletter, Film Studies Association of Canada, Vol. V, No. 2, December 1980

Where Forms the Poem, The Poets of Prince Edward Island, edited by Wayne Wright, 1980.

Some Creative Guidelines for a Film about Time and Memory, February 4, 1980.

Sheridan College of Applied Arts and Technology Letter, March 6, 1979.

Canadian Student Film Festival,
Cinema Canada, Second Edition, No.17, December/January 1975, pg 52

Short Films,
Cinema Canada, Second Edition, No. 14, June/July 1974, pg 58

Toronto Filmmakers Coop Letter, June 9, 1974.

The P.E.I. Centennial Film Retrospective,
Cinema Canada, Second Edition, No. 6, February/March 1973, pg 32

Letter from Rick Hancox to George Semsel
December 22, 1969

Experimental Film at the National Film Board
(commissioned for the National Film Board website)

Space and Place in National Film Board of Canada Documentary, Lonergan Review

All That is Solid


> Interviews with Rick Hancox

The Princess Court Cinema presents: An Independent Showcase interview with Rick Hancox, Thursday, August 24, 1997 9:30pm

The Visual Poetry of Rick Hancox by Bob Wilkie
Originally published in Cinema Canada, July/August 1988, cover story

Atwood, Grant, and a Selective Survey of Some English Canadian Films
Submitted by: Les Munday 1156780
Submitted to: Michael Dorland Course: FMST 314/4-AA Winter

Relax, The Void is Not So Bleak: Rick Hancox and the Mediation of the Canadian Landscape by Anne-Marie Wheeler

Rick Hancox Interview by Mike Hoolboom