Movie description 15 minutes 16mm 1972
House Movie is a direct
autobiography, with events interpreted as they were in progress. It is about
living intimately with another person, in a rented house which never becomes
home, due to an unavoidable separation. At times the camera almost takes the
point of view of the architecture, as witness to the kind of transient emotions
common to houses like this. Using a Rachmaninoff excerpt, the film is edited symphonically, with theme and subordinate theme, development
and re-capitulation, echoed in the recurring visual motifs and rhythmic
extravagant camera movement that marks House
Movie is not so much lyrical as deterministic; the camera, though curious,
has somewhere to go and is content to move forward without prejudice to the
reality beyond its own set course. This sense of being in a world
in which the familiar exists to be rediscovered and re-experienced, comes
through in the best of these ‘home movies’... Films like House Movie permanently deepen commonplace immediate
experiences...” Ian Birnie, Independent Views,
“Shot in a
rented house in
many of Hancox’s films, House Movie is difficult to categorize because its form is so
unique. It is an experimental film in style and in its general approach to the
medium, but since its content is autobiographical, with events filmed as they
were in progress, it is also a kind of subjective documentary. It records the
filmmaker’s impressions of the eventual breakdown of a relationship, followed
by moving, and then adjusting to a new arrangement. The camera takes the point
of view of the architecture itself, as if it were living witness to the myriad
of transient human emotions common to all houses which never become homes. House Movie is tightly structured to a
musical excerpt from Rachmaninoff, with all the complexity of theme and
subordinate theme, development and re-capitulation, echoed in recurring visual
motifs and rhythmic cutting. House Movie
is probably Hancox’s most significant film to date…
achieves a remarkable warmth and intimacy.” (Cinema
from: Canadian Filmmakers' Distribution Centre
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