Cab 16 description 6 minutes b/w 16mm 1969


A direct cinema account of public service award-winner Elmer Larter, a taxi driver who devotes himself to the transportation of crippled and deaf children in Charlottetown, P.E.I.


Available from: Canadian Filmmakers' Distribution Centre

37 Hanna Ave. #220

Toronto, Ontario Canada M6K 1W8

telephone: 416-588-0725, e-mail:



Reviews, Articles, Text & Notes:

Cab 16 by Rick Hancox, May 1969

Cab 16: soundtrack by Rick Hancox

Elmer Larter Named Winner of Award, The Guardian, Charlottetown, Thursday, March 13, 1969.

Elmer Larter’s Daily Schedule

The Screening of Cab 16 at Millenium Film Workshop by Rick Hancox May 1969, New York City

UPEI Student’s Film Captures Top Prize, The Guardian, Charlottetown, Tuesday September 30, 1969